John Foster
Oak Ridge, TN
Organizations: Chief Justice, LMU-DSOL Moot Court Executive Board & NAAC ABA Moot Court Competition Team, 2023 & 2024; Legal Research Assistant to Professor Stevie Swanson, May–August 2022; Sports and Entertainment Law Society President, 2023–2024 & Vice President, 2022–2023; Federalist Society Vice President, 2022–2023; Real Estate Law Society Treasurer, 2021–2022; Environmental Law Society Member, 2021–2024
Achievements: Dean’s List, Spring 2022 & Fall 2024; CALI Award, Legislation and Regulation; CALI Award, Education Law; Recipient, Duncan Law Merit Scholarship; Milton & Vina Ray Scholarship; DSOL Spring 2024 Pickleball Tournament Champion
"I would like to thank my family, friends, and specifically my beautiful wife, Nicole, for being by my side every step of the way and always supporting me through my law school journey. I'd love to return the favor someday."