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Jeremy Turner

Jeremy Turner

Brentwood, TN

Organizations: Lincoln's Business Legal Society (President)

Achievements: Dean's List, CALI Award- Legal Foundations

"I would like to thank my family (specifically my Mom, Dad, and brother Thomas) for all of their love, support, and encouragement throughout my time in law school. I'd also like to thank my Grandparents, who helped inspire me to take an interest in law, I would not be here without your love and support. I want to thank my study group...Greg Bohannon, Mitchell McClurg, and Matthew McClurg, for all their help studying and preparing for exams and class, I could not have made it through these last three years without you guys. Lastly, I'd like to thank my always supportive friends...Zach Kronsberg, WJ Queen, Hannah Best, and everyone else who has shown me love and support in my law school career."

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