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Cherie Gaines

Cherie Gaines

Kingston, TN

Organizations: Pioneer Law Student Association - President; Alternative Dispute Resolution Society - Former Chief Justice; OUTlaw - member; Women of Law Society - member, Family Law Society - member, Real Estate Law Society- member, Phi Alpha Delta

Achievements: CALI Award- Education Law

"I am so grateful to all my family and friends for supporting me while I worked, studied, and tried to be part of family events. I'm sure my co-workers have picked up so much slack, and for that, I am also thankful. Hopefully, by the end of the year, this will all be over and I can be part of life again. You all have no idea how much I appreciate all the support. Most of all, though, I hope I've made my grandchildren proud and encouraged them to never give up, no matter how hard things get."

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